National Pancreatic Club Directory

For your convenience, below you will find a list of national pancreatic societies in Europe.

National Pancreatic Club Directory

While we endeavor to always keep this list up-to-date, links may still become inactive or no longer function. Please help us keep this resource current by informing us of any changes or updates you may become aware of - or any clubs that might be missing. Thank you!

Czech Republic: Cesky Pankreatologicky Klub | 

France: Club Francais du Pancreas |

Georgia: Association of Pancreatologists of Georgia (founded May 25, 2024)

Germany: Deutscher Pankreasclub |

Great Britian and Ireland: Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland |

Greece: Pancreatic Section of the Hellenic Society of Gastroenterology |

Hungary: Hungarian Pancreatic Society | Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

Italy: Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Pancreas |  

Netherlands: Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Group | 

Netherlands: Dutch Pancreatitis Study Group |

Poland: Polski Klub Trzustkowy |

Portugal: Portuguese Pancreatic Club |

Romania: Association for Pancreas Study “Romanian Pancreatic Club” |

Scandinavian Baltic Pancreatic Club |

Spain: Asociación Española de Pancreatología |

Urkraine: Ukrainian Pancreatic Club |